? ??????????????????? ????Easy Install Instructions:???1. Copy the Code??2. Log in to your Blogger account
and go to "Manage Layout" from the Blogger Dashboard??3. Click on the "Edit HTML" tab.??4. Delete the code already in the "Edit Template" box and paste the new code in.??5. Click BLOGGER TEMPLATES - TWITTER BACKGROUNDS ?


kemunculan semula...=)

wahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh...sudah lma x mnjenguk blog aku nih!!!dh agk bsawang...hehehe...;p
erm,tsgt la cbuk smpai x sempat nk berblogging like b4...=)
aku ade blog ni pn coz mse part 4 ade subjek internet marketing yg mmerlukn aku tuk ade satu blog...kiranyer my individual asemen la...=)

erm,trasa cam nk berblogging la plak kn...tp,wat mse ni idea x bpe nk ade...
mybe next time kot tuk bcerita hal2 kehidupan aku yg smakin bahagia nih...hehehe ;)